
A very extensive network of contacts allows us to enlist the right partners in solving clients’ problems. We personally know the leaders of these service providers, and can recommend them to augment our offerings.

Amallte is a French consulting company created in 2018 by my former colleague and author Louis-Pierre Guillaume to assist clients in digital transformation and knowledge management. He co-wrote “Communities of Innovation”.

cutterconsortium The Cutter Consortium, an Arthur D. Little company based in Boston, is an IT research, training and consulting firm that regroups some of the most prestigious names in IT strategy, Agile Project Management, Innovation, Enterprise Architecture, Risk Management, and more. Cutter is a loose federation of 100+ worldwide consultants, and Claude Baudoin is one of their Senior Consultants since 2009. Many of the papers and reports Claude wrote since then have been published as Cutter deliverables.

keenimKeenIM, based in Denver, led by Michael Elkins, are experts in document and record management, information taxonomy, collaboration, and enterprise search. They offer the Ready4IM suite of solutions for information management.

Refactorr is an interactive agency based in Menlo Park, CA. They build web sites, web applications, and partner with organizations to improve their web strategy, digital content, and content management operations. They can help you employ better tools and processes, so you deliver the right content to your audiences simply and effectively.

Solanove, Stéphanie Rousseau-Playe’s company, based in the North Carolina Triangle, offers coaching services to startup companies, “fractional CFO” services, and consulting on international trade development and growth.

v2comV2COM, founded in Brazil, engineers and manufactures industrial communication gateways that turn products into intelligent connected devices on the Industrial Internet of Things. They are experts in data protocols, sensor interfaces, security, microprocessor architecture, software application languages and wireless/satellite connectivity.

Windows Management Experts, based in Philadelphia, are specialists of everything related to Microsoft collaboration tools: Outlook, Exchange, SharePoint, Microsoft 365, Teams… They have extensive experience with the deployment of, and migration between, these often complex tools.